Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fucking Cheeseballs.

Sorry for the random title. Had nothing in mind.


GOSH! I miss all of you like crazy!

Well, lets just have an update on my life.

I am still studying in poly. Which means my life right now practically sucks like a sour rotten egg.

I am still the eldest in my family. Which means i have the responsibilty of two monkeys who don't co operate.

My parents are still divorced...So the family fueds still exist.

I'm still indian, which means i still hate more than half of the chinese. Racist, i know...but the truth.

I am still single....which means i have the feeling of love deprivation with me all the time.

That's the current situation i am in right now.

Why can't i find love? Why is it so hard?

I am more than convinced now that it is not about my size, cause i see even bigger mother fuckers having good looking guys.

So what the hell is wrong with me? Am i not a nice girl to be with?

Hell! I don't know what to say anymore.

I can continue with life knowing i have 5 friends who love me. That's all i need.

Love you Slayers.

Signing off, Deprelash.

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