Saturday, April 19, 2008

sumpah gelek-gelek

i fucken miss our depression party as well.but i am at least glad that i get to meet Depreniece and Deprechin and not forgetting you,Deprelash.even though we only get to talk for a few minutes,i am very happy. really, really miss you all that i've met 3 of the slayers,i hope to meet the last one.and yes, it's you Depregang.i miss you terribly.i hope that you're doing fine.please do update each other alright.hugs.

well thanks Deprelash for your i'm not deciding anything just yet.i just let things relationship with L is getting way better each day but i am certainly not hoping.i'm afraid to get hurt so i've decided to be this way.
as for me and ah beng,well he's a nice person to be with.but still,i don't think i've known him that well yet.frankly speaking,i shall say,'let nature takes it's course'.i want to take things slow.i hope i'm doing the right give your views Deprelash or any of you slayers.much appreciated.

alright that's all for now.good day!

Lots of disco balls and kooshkins,
Deprelace.i am a shemale.

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