Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tebal mcm Babi

slayers do feel free to update yo!

contact lens save the day...woohoo!
i nvr bring along my specs today
so how to concentrate during Abang Tan's lesson
dig punye dig..itu dig dlm beg juga ada
skali jumpe itu lens container la(container ke?)
nasib dlm itu container juga ada lens...
so i put it on the spot juga but of course after i sanitised my hands
ahh..clear la sia..until i can see Abang Tan's nipple shooting

yang penting!!
hot topic is about..jeng-jeng-jeng
Tebal Macam Kulit Babi..
ehh..kurang ajar nye aku..
tapi mmg ar..
deprechin n i saw tis gal...
we always saw her la, in fact everyday
same skul mah...
but today when we saw her...
die punye make-up punye la tebal
mengalahkn Cine Pekji...
ntah brape ton bedak die tepek kat muke die
till u can carve ur mathfarker name on her tepek face okay.
gua rase kulit babi pon kalah la sia...
ahahha...ok enough for now..bertambah la dosa aku nnt

lots of clear-vision

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